What does the weekend warrior need to do in order to be better prepared for the challenges awaiting them? How can we apply safe strategies to our leisure activities and play? Dr. Jill Sturts is Associate Professor and Chair of Sport and Recreation Professions as well as the Assistant Dean …
Global Youth Culture
How is globalization affecting youth culture in the developing world? 26% of the world’s population is under the age of 15. Growing countries are young countries. Tomorrow’s world will be run by today’s youth living in developing countries. How are global barriers being reduced through technology and youth -ed development? …
Code Switching
Code Switching What does it cost us to switch from our native language to another one? Why do we benefit when we switch social codes in conversation? How can we best navigate the nuances of language, dialect and slang in a multi-cultural world? Dr. Myles Durkee with The University of Michigan …
The Afterword on Young Voices in Writing
How do the stories of young voices enhance the future of words? When we provide safe and open environments for writers, #creativity can flow. Offering space for progression and permission to fail is key to cultivating the power of young #writers in particular. How do we collaborate with and listen …